Gingival aesthetics

In the Smile design, the right proportion of the hard tissue of the teeth is not enough. The soft tissue surrounding the teeth must also be healthy and aesthetically pleasing. The pink aesthetic covers the health and symmetry of the gums.

What is the effect of pink aesthetics on the smile?

Correction of gum levels gives integrity to the smile. Because the phenomenon we call a smile is not just made up of teeth. The visible gum areas are determined with a smile analysis. If the teeth need to be coated, the desired posture can be achieved with the pink porcelain on the crowns. The pink porcelain veneers can be applied to the crowns of the teeth that are close to the gums.

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Questions and answers

What is gum Botox (Gummy Smile Botox) for people with too much visible gums?

In some people, their gums are more visible when they smile. These people can have cosmetic problems. This problem can be easily solved with a simple surgical procedure called a gingivectomy or other even simpler treatment methods. With a 5 minute Botox gum treatment (Gummy Smile Botox) you will be able to get rid of this aspect.

In which cases is pink aesthetics required?

Gum disease

Cases of gingival recession

In cases where the size of the tooth crown is too long

In cases where the gums show too much when they smile (gummy smile)

In cases where the root surfaces are exposed or where the teeth are abraded and sensitive.

How can the gummy smile treated with the aesthetics of the gums?

Too much exposure of the gums while smiling is a condition that casts a shadow on a beautiful smile. Gums that are too visible can be shortened with a procedure called a gingivectomy. In very few cases, a stitched flap operation may be required. It is also possible to shorten the gums with a laser treatment. If there is no need to intervene with the gum levels, Gummy Smile Botox gives very fast results. Botox restricts the upper lip so it can’t go up too much, which results in fewer gums being exposed.

What is gingivectomy gingival aesthetics (laser gingival aesthetics)?

The aesthetics of gingivectomy corrects the gum contours as needed, physiologically shapes the gums and provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance. The gums are aligned and a more beautiful smile is designed.

Your first visit

Many people who visit Dental Experts Albania have questions about cosmetic problems, including stained and discolored teeth. On your first visit, you will receive a full series of X-rays, a thorough exam, cleaning, and time to speak to your dentist (expect to spend approximately 90 minutes in our office).
We will review your exam, talk about how you would like to improve the appearance of your teeth, and discuss a treatment plan.

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First of all: Prevent

We believe that the best cure is prevention, prevention is undoubtedly better than cure. When prevention is no longer possible, we try to catch it in the bud.

Punctual appointments

Each appointment starts on time, with the least number of waits possible.

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