Periodontal pockets, what is it and how is it treated?

The definition of periodontal pockets refers to the pockets that form when the depth of the gingival sulcus increases. The gumline is a narrow, shallow channel found on the sides of the tooth. Under normal conditions, therefore, the bone and gum tissue fit perfectly around the teeth. In the presence of periodontal disease, however, the extension of the inflammation in depth determines bone destruction and the formation of gingival pockets. The latter become deeper and deeper, making available a larger space for the growth of bacteria that accumulate and advance in depth.

Main causes of periodontal pockets?

Plaque deposition is the main cause of this phenomenon. If the plaque is not removed regularly, it causes the destruction of the sulcus epithelium, which moves lower to defend itself. The bacteria usually cause gingivitis, the symptoms of which are gum bleeding. When they nest in the dental pocket, they produce toxins that destroy osteoblasts, cells responsible for bone reproduction. One of the symptoms of this stage of the disease is tooth mobility. Other causes of the formation of a dental pocket can be:

  • the smoke,
  • the stress,
  • the pregnancy,
  • hormonal imbalances,
  • drug therapies,
  • deficiency of vitamins C and K.

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Questions and answers

How is periodontal pocket disease treated?

The first step is to go to a dental office for a correct diagnosis:

  • the patient suffering from periodontal disease undergoes a specialist visit, which is divided into a clinical and radiographic examination. These serve to assess the condition of the supporting tissues of the tooth needed to make a diagnosis. The “periodontal probing” is carried out by inserting a millimeter probe between the tooth and the gingival margin;
  • once the visit is completed, the so-called causal therapy phase for the patient is planned, in charge of eliminating plaque and tartar above and below the gingival. We will also try to optimise the method to be applied for home oral hygiene;
  • through a second evaluation visit the clinical conditions of the periodontal tissues and a possible surgical therapy are examined. This is aimed at eliminating the gingival pocket and subgingival plaque and at the reconstruction of destroyed periodontal tissues.

Types of interventions for the treatment of periodontal pockets?

There are two types of surgery to reduce the depth of the gum pocket:

  • the first type of intervention consists in bringing the gum back close to the bone to re-establish physiological relationships. The doctor removes the gum tissues to remove bacteria and smoothes the bone surfaces altered by the disease;
  • the second type of surgery allows to recover part of the damage by regenerating the lost bone and gingival tissue and eliminating the dental pocket. The doctor proceeds by separating the gum tissues to remove the bacteria. Later he can resort to the application of membranes, bone grafts or proteins that stimulate the tissues to increase their ability to regenerate.

How to prevent the problem of periodontal pockets?

The first symptoms of gum pockets are bad breath, bleeding, and pain. By the time these types of discomfort begin to be felt, the disease is generally already at an advanced stage. Very often the initial presence of a periodontal pocket, in fact, does not give any particular symptoms. For this reason it is very important to maintain the good habit of having frequent periodic check-ups by your trusted dentist. In the event that the dentist finds the presence of dental pockets when they are still starting to form, he can opt for less invasive remedies.

Your first visit

Many people who visit Dental Experts Albania have questions about cosmetic problems, including stained and discolored teeth. On your first visit, you will receive a full series of X-rays, a thorough exam, cleaning, and time to speak to your dentist (expect to spend approximately 90 minutes in our office).
We will review your exam, talk about how you would like to improve the appearance of your teeth, and discuss a treatment plan.

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