What is wisdom tooth extraction

Upper wisdom teeth are generally very easy to extract with minimal postoperative complications. It is more common to have complications with the removal of the lower wisdom teeth. An x-ray called an "OPG / OPT" (orthopantomogram) is taken to assess the position of the wisdom teeth before the procedure is performed.

Who has tooth infections?

You may have heard of people undergoing a wisdom tooth extraction or find your dentist who recommends that you have yours removed at some point. have you ever wondered why?

For most people, their wisdom teeth will be blocked by the complete eruption in the mouth from the permanent second molars or surrounding bone and / or gums due to the smaller jaw space. These wisdom teeth are considered to be affected. Treatment of impacted wisdom teeth is the most common reason why the dentist will recommend wisdom tooth extraction.

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Questions and answers

What happens during a wisdom tooth consultation?

During your initial visit to the dental clinic, your dentist will perform a full dental exam and take some x-rays of your mouth to check the alignment and condition of your wisdom teeth. Surgery may be recommended by the dentist, depending on the condition of the wisdom teeth.

What can I expect during wisdom tooth surgery?

While wisdom tooth surgery is a minor surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia; if you feel nervous, you can opt for the sedated procedure or under general anesthesia.

During wisdom tooth surgery, the surgeon will lift the overlying gums to uncover the wisdom teeth and surrounding bone. The tooth is then dissected and removed. After that, the gums are stitched back to their original position.

Wisdom tooth surgery: Do I need it?

Not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. As long as your wisdom teeth are fully functional and you can brush and floss them correctly, removal is not necessary. Regular dental checkups and dental cleaning allow the dentist to monitor the wisdom teeth and recommend preventive treatments if necessary.

If you experience pain or swelling around your wisdom teeth or if you suspect you have an affected wisdom tooth, make an appointment online to consult a dentist about available treatment options.

Your first visit

Many people who visit Dental Experts Albania have questions about cosmetic problems, including stained and discolored teeth. On your first visit, you will receive a full series of X-rays, a thorough exam, cleaning, and time to speak to your dentist (expect to spend approximately 90 minutes in our office).
We will review your exam, talk about how you would like to improve the appearance of your teeth, and discuss a treatment plan.

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