Molar sealing

Teeth sealing is a very effective dental caries prevention procedure which consists in the application of a special resin (the sealant) on the occlusal grooves of the molar teeth. The part of the tooth covered with the sealing resin becomes unassailable by the bacteria responsible for caries. La procedura di sigillatura dei denti è molto semplice, completamente indolore e piuttosto rapida, tanto da essere facilmente sopportabile dai bambini.

Which teeth to seal?

The sealing is carried out on permanent molars which are the teeth most exposed to the risk of caries for two reasons. The first is that they have a surface characterized by deep grooves in which bacteria can easily nest. The second is that permanent molars erupt as early as age 6 (they are the first permanent teeth) at which age many children love sweets and candies while they are not yet so adept at the correct use of toothbrush and toothpaste. Hence, the prevention of caries of the furrows of permanent molars can be effectively carried out through the sealing technique.

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Questions and answers

When to seal your teeth?

Generally the sealing of the molars is performed in two steps. The first surgery around the age of 6 or in any case after a few months after the first permanent molars have appeared. The second around the age of 12, when the last molars appear.

How long does the sealing last?

The sealing resin applied to the teeth is not permanent but is subjected to abrasion due to chewing. On average, the seals have a duration of about 4 – 5 years, but they can even last much longer. The important thing is that the seals are periodically checked by the dentist and replaced if necessary.

How effective is it in caries prevention?

The effectiveness of sealing in the prevention of caries of molars furrows is very high. According to studies, sealing allows you to prevent dental caries in 87% of cases 3 years after its application. After 4 years, 76% of sealed teeth are still healthy and the percentage drops to 65% after 9 years.

Are sealing resins toxic?

The resin used for dental seals is a totally non-toxic material and therefore 100% safe. Furthermore, no toxic substance is released either in the long term or in the moment of application.

Your first visit

Many people who visit Dental Experts Albania have questions about cosmetic problems, including stained and discolored teeth. On your first visit, you will receive a full series of X-rays, a thorough exam, cleaning, and time to speak to your dentist (expect to spend approximately 90 minutes in our office).
We will review your exam, talk about how you would like to improve the appearance of your teeth, and discuss a treatment plan.

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First of all: Prevent

We believe that the best cure is prevention, prevention is undoubtedly better than cure. When prevention is no longer possible, we try to catch it in the bud.

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